You’re Not The Imposter

Ashley Peng
3 min readNov 1, 2021


Imposter Syndrome: the devil that whispers into your year, making you doubt yourself and your capabilities. That feeling of insecurity and inadequacy that makes all of our accomplishments feel like nothing. Imposter Syndrome is something that everyone experiences, so how can we combat it?

What is Imposter Syndrome?

First, allow me to define what exactly Imposter Syndrome is. According to Psychologist Audrey Ervin, Imposter Syndrome is “characterized by chronic feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, and fraudulence despite objective success. It’s hard to internalize success and genuinely hold the belief that you’re competent and capable.”

The Impact of Imposter Syndrome

When someone struggles with imposter syndrome, the effects can be enormous. It manifests in many different ways, but often shows up when we come into a new environment. For instance, that new club you joined last week, or that drama class you recently started. You may look around you and suddenly feel like the odd one out. You don’t feel like you’re as successful, or talented, or good enough. Those thoughts of insecurity send you into a spiral, and you can start feeling depressed, anxious, feel the need to overwork, and more.

How to Combat Imposter Syndrome

There are definitely ways to help you with feeling insecure or inadequate. Here are some:

  1. Talk to others about it!
    Imposter Syndrome is a phenomenon that affects SO many people. Bringing this struggle to light can make you feel less alone, but also connect you to a network of people who can help you when you’re stuck in a rut. I recently co-hosted a chat about Imposter Syndrome, and I had the greatest time chatting to other teens my age about Imposter Syndrome and our personal experiences dealing with it.
  2. One step at a time, people!
    When feeling overwhelmed, we should all remember to take things one step at a time! It can be hard to visualize achieving your goals if you only look at the overall vision, so instead, try to think of the small stepping stones that will get you to achieving your dream.
  3. Take action.
    Oftentimes, feeling like a fraud can keep up stagnant; we stop continuing on in fear of judgment, or more. But one of the biggest things to combat Imposter Syndrome would be to just take action. Focus on yourself and your journey, instead of others.


Imposter Syndrome can be hard to overcome, but it’s definitely not impossible! Remember it’s something that happens to loads of people, so don’t feel alone.


  • Imposter Syndrome is a human phenomenon that is characterized by feeling inadequate or insecure despite your success.
  • The impact of Imposter Syndrome can be huge. You may feel anxious or depressed, which can send you into a spiral.
  • Don’t fear! Imposter Syndrome is something that 8 out of 10 people reportedly suffer with. You can combat this by talking to others, taking things one step at a time, and just taking action!



Ashley Peng

Teen working to integrate people with technology.